Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

The use of Role Play to Improve Speech
in English VIII Grade Students
with Narrative Text
(Classroom Action Research in SMP N 4 Klaten, 2011)

Wahyu Widowati


Table of Content
A. Introduction
1. Background
2. Research Problem
3. Goal
4. Benefit of Research
B. Study of Theory and Hypothesis
1. Study of Theory
2. Hypothesis
C. Research Methodology
1. Setting
2. Subject
3. Method
4. Procedure
5. Collecting Data
6. Analyzing Data


A. Introduction
1. Background
English language proficiency is a requirement and necessity in the era of communication and globalization. English teaching in junior high school serves as a means of self-development of students in science, technology, and art. After completing his studies, they are expected to grow and develop into individuals who are independent, intelligent, skilled and personable ready to participate in national development.
Teaching English in junior high school covers the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All of them should be supported by other elements of language elements, they are: Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation accordance with the theme as a means of learning goal itself.
One of the four language skills mentioned above, learning of speaking skills were less able to function properly. Ability to express and respond to target is one very important thing that can support the existence of students in this era of globalization, because it will guarantee the existence of speaking students in getting jobs became an important requirement in obtaining a job. Criteria considered good speaking that is accurate, fluency, and can interact in the context of daily life.
Speaking of learning here wrapped in a narrative form of text which is one of the basic competencies to be mastered by students in VIII Junior High School. Narrative text is one of the opening texts in the genre, and it is a text that includes easy understanding for the junior high school students. Learning to express and respond to meaning in a simple form of short essays accurately, smoothly, and thank to interact in the context of daily life in text form and report procedure has been done in the classical writers. The authors describe the learning subject matter contained in the following indicators:
1. Identify the meaning of ideas in the form of narrative text.
2. Identify a variety of information contained in the form of narrative text.

Students are told to read the text of narrative form and then they translate it. Furthermore, students identify and find the meaning of ideas and information contained in the text of the narrative form. Learning outcomes are found below the minimum criteria for completeness (KKM). From the results the authors obtained data reflect that during the learning process students are very passive and did not complain and the emergence of a sense of confidence. They are very difficult to do job duties. Obviously, this learning is not effective or in other words, learning is unsuccessful (Fail). The above is a failure to yield and the learning process. Failure is a problem that must be addressed. To overcome the failure of learning mentioned above, the writer is trying to find solutions that fit with the demands of the Education Unit Level Curriculum. In this case a teacher required to be creative and innovative in finding suitable learning techniques to the situation and condition class. Principle PAKEM (Active, Creative, Effective, and Fun) should be implemented. The teacher is no longer a feared figure nor an authoritarian figure, but the teacher should be able to become a facilitator and a motor that is able to facilitate and move the students to acquire knowledge they need. Thus the author makes writing on the use of Role Play to Improve Speech in English Students with Narrative Text in SMP N 4 Klaten, 2011.

2. Research Problem
Based on the background mentioned above, the writer has formulated the problem posed in this proposal are:
• Is the solution to attract attention / interest of the students towards learning?
• Does the proposed solution of researchers can solve the problem? What dos the effective?
• How is the effectiveness of teaching / learning motivation of students, etc. when applied to the problem solution?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of solution when applied in SD N Central Bareng, Klaten?

3. Goal
The goals that want to reach in this study are:
a. General goal: To improve the students speaking skills by role play in VIII level at SD N 2 Central Bareng.
b. Specific goal:
 The solution to attract attention / interest of the students towards learning.
 The proposed solution of researchers can solve the problem, the students can understand the generic structure, lexical grammatical, and social function. And students get more vocabulary of the text and how is the expression. And the students get improve their pronunciation.
 The students more interest to the process of teaching learning, because it likes drama.
 Advantages: the students understand all of the material by example, disadvantages: it needs more time to practice and it needs make their self be confidence.

4. Benefit of Research
A. For Teachers:
 Developing an effective learning model, efficient, and which can involve students actively in the process of learning English to improve their communicative competence.
 Helps to improve / enhance the teaching and learning processes and outcomes.
 Help improve the quality of teacher professionalism as an educator.
Assist in the preparation of scientific papers is one of the requirements of the group IVa promotion to the next level.
 Assist in the preparation of scientific papers to be used as assessments in order to get the benefits of certification of teachers / educators.

B. For Students
 Enhance students' skills in learning speaking accurately, fluently and thank to interact in the context of daily life with text narrative form that uses role-play.
Increase the feeling of pleasure and motivation to learn.
 Increasing student confidence in communicating.
 Increasing communicative competence and English language learning achievement.
Increasing liveliness, creativity, and student learning outcomes are higher.

C. For Schools
 Role Play learning model improve learning English in SMP N 4 Klaten.

B. Study of Theory and Hypothesis
1. Study of Theory
Role plays are very important in CLT because they give students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and in different social roles. Role plays can be set up so that they are very structured (for example, the teacher tells the students who they are and what they should say).
Narrative Text is a text that purpose to amuse or to entertain the reader or the listener and deal with actual or vicious experience in different ways to the reader or listener. Narrative text such as folk tales, fable, legend, fairy tale, etc.
For the conclusion of them, role play can help the students in SMP N 4 Klaten to understand the concepts of narrative text also the students can understand the generic structure, lexical grammatical and social function. The other reason students get more vocabulary; improve their pronunciation of the text and how are the expressions.

2. Hypothesis
Role plays can improve English learning achievement and students speaking skill in VIII grade in SMP N 4 Klaten.

C. Research Methodology

1. Setting
This research carried out in SMP N 4 Klaten is located at Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo 26 Street, Barenglor, North Klaten telp (0272) 321552. It has a strategic location, because the school is located in the complex in downtown Klaten schooling. Besides it, this school is also a country school that is accredited by B from the Ministry of National Education, and this school also opened a flagship-class excellence of this school.
This research carried out for 1 month, from 1 november to 30 november 2011. Agenda:

no date Phase of activity
1 November 2, 2011 Planning stage
1. Identify the problem.
2. Analyze and formulate the problem.
3. Designing a model of classical learning.
4. Discuss the interactive learning model.
5. Setting up the instruments (questionnaires, guidelines, observations, test end).
6. Develop learning groups of students
7. Planning group work.
2. November 3-5, 2011
2nd week Action stage
1. Implementing measures in accordance with the planning.
2. Applying the model of classical learning.
3. Make observations on each of the steps according to plan activities.
4. Noting the existing allocation of time with the many activities that are carried out.
5. Anticipating by finding solutions when encountering many obstacles during the stages of activity.

3rd week Observation stage
Noting the findings during observation.
The final week Reflection stage
1. Analyzing the findings during execution observation.
2. 2. Analyzing weaknesses and successes of teachers when applying classical learning model and using role play.

2. Subject
Subject of this study were junior high school students in grade VIII N 4 Klaten, which amounts to 40 children: 20 women, 20 men. They come from middle class family down. They are students who are cheerful and enthusiastic in learning, but even so, there are also students who are shy tend to close themselves in the classroom. Here researcher helps students to develop them to be able to grow mainly develop his speaking ability.

3. Method
In this study researchers used Classroom Action Research (CAR). Classroom Action Research (CAR) is the systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by groups of participants by means of their own practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effects of those actions.
Research design is as follows:
• Researchers to observe the process of learning in the classroom teacher who taught school.
• Researchers create measures that will be run in the process of observation.
• Researchers applied the measures that have been made into the teaching-learning process (role play).
• Researcher researchers observe and reflect on the methods used is better than previous methods.

4. Procedure
Research design is as follows:
• Researchers to observe the process of learning in the classroom teacher who taught school.
• Researchers create measures that will be run in the process of observation.
• Researchers applied the measures that have been made into the teaching-learning process (role play).
• Researcher researchers observe and reflect on the methods used is better than previous methods.

5. Collecting Data
Data collected in this study is a quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data provided in the form of test and qualitative data which contains information on the effectiveness of learning in the classroom.

6. Analyzing Data
Data in the form of values were analyzed with descriptive statistical techniques. Procedure is to use the SPSS application, while qualitative data were analyzed with the use of all data obtained will be make reference data in determining further action.

Fauziati, Endang. 2009. Introduction to Methods and Approaches in Second or Foreign Language Teaching.Surakarta:PT.Era Pustaka Utama
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2005. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Dirjen PMPPTK.

Kemmis, S. and Taggart, R. 1988. The Action Research Planner. Deakin:Deakin University.

Al Khosim, Nur. 2011. “Contoh Proposal PTK Bahasa Inggris SMP” (online),
(http://remenmaos.blogspot.com/2011/08/contoh-proposal-ptk-bahasa-inggris-smp.html, diakses tanggal 15 Desember 2011).

Sutopo, Anam. 2011. “print out data kuliah PTK”

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Validity and Reability


In general sense, validity is concerned with the extent to which tests results serve their intended use. Ex: test resultst might be used to describe the types of performance an individualcan demonstrate, or to predict an individual’s probable success in some future activity. Questions of validity are questionsof what may properly be inferred from a test score(American Psychological Association,1974).

Concept of validity:Validity refers to interpretation of test results (not to the test it self).
Validity is inferred from available evidence (not measured).
Validity is specific to a particular use (selection,placement,evaluation of learning,so forth.
Validity is expressed by degree (for example,high, moderate,low).

Basic Type of Validity
Type Question to be answer
Content validity How adequately does the test content sample the larger domain of situations it represents?
Criterion-related validities How well does test performance predict future performance (predictive validity) or estimate present standing (concurrent validity)on some other valued masure called a criterion?
Construct validity How well can test performance be explained in terms of psychogical attributes?

Content validity: is matter of determining whether the sample is representative of the large domain it is supposed to represent. It is especially important in achievement testing. We can built a test that has high content validity: (1)identifying the subject-matter topic and the learning outcomes to be measured, (2) preparing a set of specification,(3) constructing a set test that closely fits the set os specifications.

Criterion-Related Validities
There are 2 types: the first concerned with the use of test performance to predict future performance on some other valued measure called a criterion. The second concerned with the use of test performance to estimate current performance in some criterion. The key of both: the test scores, the criterion to be predicted.
Expectancy table is a simple and practical means of expresssing criterion-related validity, and especially useful for making predictions from test scores. It can use with criterion-referenced as well as norm-referenced tests.

Construct Validity
The aim is to identify all the factors that influence test performance and to determine the degree of influence of each. The process: identifying the construct that might account for test performance, formulating testable hypotheses from the theory surrounding each construct, gathering data to test these hypotheses.
These hypotheses might be stated in harmony with any general type of evidence:
1. Differences between known groups.
2. Changes in perfomance with training.
3. Correlations with other test.
4. Internal consistency.
5. Analysis of the test-taking process.
Realibility refers to the consistency of the test scores-that is, to how consistent they are from one measurement to another. Because of the ever present errors of measurement ,we can expect a certain amount of variation in test performance from one time to another,from one sample of items to, and from one part of the test to another.
Test-Retest Method
It requires administering the same form of the test to the same group after some time interval. The time between the two administrations may be just a few days/several years. The length of the time interval should fit the type of interpretation to be made from the results. Test-retest reliabiity coefficients are influenced both by errors another within the measurement procedure and by the day-to-day stability of the students’ responses.
Methods of Estimating Realibility
Method Type of Information Provided
1.Test-retest method 1.The stability of test scores over some given period of time.
2.Equivalent-forms method 2.The consistency of the test scores over different forms of the test (that is, different samples of items).
3.Test-retest with equivalent forms 3.the consistency of test scores over both a time interval and different forms of the test.
4.Internal-consistency methods 4.The consisncy of test scores over different parts of test.
Equivalent-Forms Method
Two equivalent forms of test(alternate/parallel) are administrated to the same group during the same testing session to measure the same abilities.
Test-Retest Method with Equivalent Forms
Correlation coefficient based on the odd and even items, for total test applying the Spearman-Brown:
Reliability of total test = 2 X reliability for ½ test
1 X reliability for ½ test Kuder-Richardson,3 type of info: number of items(K), means(M), standard deviation(s).
Reliability estimate(KR21)= 1 M (K-M)

Standard Errors of Measurement
= s √1-rn s: standard deviation, rn:reliability coefficient

Reliability of Criterion-Referenced Mastery Test
Use with criterion-referenced tests, they are likely to provide misleading results. When a criterion-referenced test is used to determine mastery(which is its major use), our primary concern is with how consistenly our test classifies masters and nonmasters.

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Kabupaten Klaten

Kabupaten Klaten (Bahasa Jawa: Klathèn), adalah sebuah kabupaten megapolitan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Ibukotanya adalah Klaten. Kabupaten ini berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Boyolali di utara, Kabupaten Sukoharjo di timur, serta Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta di selatan dan barat. Kompleks Candi Prambanan, salah satu kompleks candi Hindu terbesar di Indonesia, berada di Kabupaten Klaten.
Secara geografis Kabupaten Klaten terletak diantara 110°30'-110°45' Bujur Timur dan 7°30'-7°45' Lintang Selatan.
Luas wilayah kabupaten Klaten mencapai 665,56 km2. Di sebelah timur berbatasan dengan kabupaten Sukoharjo. Di sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan kabupaten Gunungkidul (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta). Di sebelah barat berbatasan dengan kabupaten Sleman (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) dan di sebelah utara berbatasan dengan kabupaten Boyolali.
Menurut topografi kabupaten Klaten terletak diantara gunung Merapi dan pegunungan Seribu dengan ketinggian antara 75-160 meter diatas permukaan laut yang terbagi menjadi wilayah lereng Gunung Merapi di bagian utara areal miring, wilayah datar dan wilayah berbukit di bagian selatan.
Ditinjau dari ketinggiannya, wilayah kabupaten Klaten terdiri dari dataran dan pegunungan, dan berada dalam ketinggian yang bervariasi, yaitu 9,72% terletak di ketinggian 0-100 meter dari permukaan air laut. 77,52% terletak di ketinggian 100-500 meter dari permukaan air laut dan 12,76% terletak di ketinggian 500-1000 meter dari permukaan air laut.
Keadaan iklim Kabupaten Klaten termasuk iklim tropis dengan musim hujan dan kemarau silih berganti sepanjang tahun, temperatur udara rata-rata 28°-30° Celsius dengan kecepatan angin rata-rata sekitar 153 mm setiap bulannya dengan curah hujan tertinggi bulan Januari (350mm) dan curah hujan terrendah bulan Juli (8mm)
Sebagian besar wilayah kabupaten ini adalah dataran rendah dan tanah bergelombang. Bagian barat laut merupakan pegunungan, bagian dari sistem Gunung Merapi. Ibukota kabupaten ini berada di jalur utama Solo-Yogyakarta.
Pembagian Administrasi
Kabupaten Klaten terdiri atas 26 kecamatan, yang dibagi lagi atas 391 desa dan 10 kelurahan. Ibukota kabupaten ini adalah Klaten, yang sebenarnya terdiri atas tiga kecamatan yaitu Klaten Utara, Klaten Tengah, dan Klaten Selatan. Klaten dulunya merupakan Kota Administratif, namun sejak diberlakukannya Undang-undang Nomor 22 tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, tidak dikenal adanya kota administratif, dan Kota Administratif Klaten kembali menjadi bagian dari wilayah Kabupaten Klaten. Kecamatan di Klaten :
1. Bayat
2. Cawas
3. Ceper
4. Delanggu
5. Gantiwarno
6. Jatinom
7. Jogonalan
8. Juwiring
9. Kalikotes
10. Karanganom
11. Karangdowo
12. Karangnongko
13. Kebonarum
14. Kemalang
15. Klaten Utara
16. Klaten Tengah
17. Klaten Selatan
18. Manisrenggo
19. Ngawen
20. Pedan
21. Polanharjo
22. Prambanan
23. Trucuk
24. Tulung
25. Wedi
26. Wonosari

Asal mula nama
Ada dua versi yang menyebut tentang asal muasal nama Klaten. Versi pertama mengatakan bahwa Klaten berasal dari kata kelati atau buah bibir. Kata kelati ini kemudian mengalami disimilasi menjadi Klaten. Klaten sejak dulu merupakan daerah yang terkenal karena kesuburannya.
Versi kedua menyebutkan Klaten berasal dari kota Melati. Kata Melati kemudian berubah menjadi Mlati. Berubah lagi jadi kata Klati, sehingga memudahkan ucapan kata Klati berubah menjadi kata Klaten. Versi ke dua ini atas dasar kata-kata orangtua sebagaimana dikutip dalam buku Klaten dari Masa ke Masa yang diterbitkan Bagian Ortakala Setda Kab. Dati II Klaten Tahun 1992/1993.
Melati adalah nama seorang kyai yang pada kurang lebih 560 tahun yang lalu datang di suatu tempat yang masih berupa hutan belantara. Kyai Melati Sekolekan, nama lengkap dari Kyai Melati, menetap di tempat itu. Semakin lama semakin banyak orang yang tinggal di sekitarnya, dan daerah itulah yang menjadi Klaten yang sekarang.
Dukuh tempat tinggal Kyai Melati oleh masyarakat setempat lantas diberi nama Sekolekan. Nama Sekolekan adalah bagian darinama Kyai Melati Sekolekan. Sekolekan kemudian berkembang menjadi Sekalekan, sehingga sampai sekarang nama dukuh itu adalah Sekalekan. Di Dukuh Sekalekan itu pula Kyai Melati dimakamkan.
Kyai Melati dikenal sebagai orang berbudi luhur dan lagi sakti. Karena kesaktiannya itu perkampungan itu aman dari gangguan perampok. Setelah meninggal dunia, Kyai Melati dikuburkan di dekat tempat tinggalnya.
Sampai sekarang sejarah kota Klaten masih menjadi silang pendapat. Belum ada penelitian yang dapat menyebutkan kapan persisnya kota Klaten berdiri. Selama ini kegiatan peringatan tentang Klaten diambil dari hari jadi pemerintah Kab Klaten, yang dimulai dari awal terbentuknya pemerintahan daerah otonom tahun 1950.
Hari jadi
Daerah Kabupaten Klaten semula adalah bekas daerah swapraja Surakarta. Kasunanan Surakarta terdiri dari beberapa daerah yang merupakan suatu kabupaten. Setiap kabupaten terdiri atas beberapa distrik. Susunan penguasa kabupaten terdiri dari Bupati, Kliwon, Mantri Jaksa, Mantri Kabupaten, Mantri Pembantu, Mantri Distrik, Penghulu, Carik Kabupaten angka 1 dan 2, Lurah Langsik, dan Langsir.
Susunan penguasa Distrik terdiri dari Pamong Distrik (1 orang), Mantri Distrik (5), Carik Kepanawon angka 1 dan 2 (2 orang), Carik Kemanten (5 orang), Kajineman (15 orang).
Pada zaman penjajahan Belanda, tahun 1749, terjadi perubahan susunan penguasa di Kabupaten dan di Distrik. Untuk Jawa dan Madura, semua propinsi dibagi atas kabupaten-kabupaten, kabupaten terbagi atas distrik-distrik, dan setiap distrik dikepalai oleh seorang wedono.
Pada tahun 1847 bentuk Kabupaten diubah menjadi Kabupaten Pulisi. Maksud dan tujuan pembentukan Kabupaten Pulisi adalah di samping Kabupaten itu menjalankan fungsi pemerintahan, ditugaskan pula agar dapat menjaga ketertiban dan keamanan dengan ditentukan batas-batas kekuasa wilayahnya.
Berdasarkan Nawala Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan Pakubuwana Senopati Ing Alaga Abdul Rahman Sayidin Panata Gama VII, Senin Legi 23 Jumadilakhir Tahun Dal 1775 atau 5 Juni 1847 dalam bab 13 disebutkan :
“……………………………….” KratonDalam Surakarta Adiningrat Nganakake Kabupaten cacah enem.
“………………………………” Kabupaten cacah enem iku Nagara Surakarta, Kartosuro, Klaten, Boyolali, Ampel, lan Sragen.
“………………………………” Para Tumenggung kewajiban rumeksa amrih tata tentreme bawahe dhewe-dhewe serta padha kebawah marang Raden Adipati.
Perubahan luas daerah
Luas daerah Kabupaten Klaten mengalami beberapa kali perubahan. Klaten pada mulanya adalah tanpa kecamatan Jatinom dan Polanharjo. Kedua kecamatan semula merupakan wilayah kabupaten Boyolali, dan baru digabungkan tanggal 11 Oktober 1895.


Rumah orang Belanda di Klaten (tahun 1904)
Semenjak terbentuknya onderdistrik, daerah onderdistrik terdiri dari beberapa dukuh. Sebagian dukuh-dukuh itu merupakan daerah kekuasaan seorang Demang. Gaji seorang Demang berupa tanah pituas.
Luas tanah pituas antara Demang yang satu dan yang lainnya berbeda-beda, sesuai dengan besar kecilnya jasa yang diberikan kepada Kasunanan. Penerima terkecil dinamakan Bekel, kemudian Demang, Ronggo, dan terbesar disebut Ngabei.
Pada tahun 1914 dibentuk kelurahan, yang merupakan penggabungan dari beberapa dukuh. Tanah pituas yang semula untuk gaji Bekel, Demang, Ronggo, dan Ngabei, diberikan pada kelurahan sebagai milik desa yang kemudian menjadi lungguh pamong desa. Struktur organisasi Kelurahan terdiri dari Lurah, Kamituwa, Carik, Kebayan, Modin, dan Ulu-ulu.
Tahun 1957 dilakukan pemblengketan atau penggabungan beberapa kelurahan, atas ketentuan kasunanan bahwa setiap Kelurahan paling sedikit harus berpenduduk 1300 orang. Peristiwa itu dikenal sebagai masa kompleks.

Sebelumnya, di Klaten telah dilakukan penggabungan karena alasan lain. Masa kompleks di Klaten telah terjadi sejak tahun 1917. di beberapa onderdistrik, penggabungan Kelurahan dilakukan karena beberapa Kelurahan tidak mempunyai tanah untuk kas desa maupun untuk lungguh pada pegawainya. (Sumber: Selintas Hasil Pembangunan Kabupaten Klaten, h. 11-15)
Stasiun kereta api Klaten (tahun 1903-1910)
• Candi Prambanan
• Candi Sewu
Di Jatinom, upacara tradisional Sebaran Apem Yaqowiyu diadakan setiap bulan Sapar. Di Palar, Trucuk, Klaten bersemayam pujangga dari Kraton Solo bernama Ronggo Warsito. Keindahan alam dapat dinikmati di daerah Deles, sebuah tempat sejuk di lereng Gunung Merapi. Rowo Jombor tempat favorit untuk melihat waduk. Terdapat juga Museum Gula, di Gondang Winangun yang terletak sepanjang jalan Klaten - Yogyakarta.
Di Kecamatan Tulung sebelah timur terdapat serangkaian tempat bermunculannya mata air pegunungan yang mengalir sepanjang tahun, dan dijadikan obyek wisata. Wisata yang bisa dinikmati di sana adalah wisata memancing dan pemandian air segar. Banyak tempat pemandian yang bisa dikunjungi baik yang berbayar maupun tidak berbayar, seperti Umbul Nilo (gratis), Umbul Penganten (gratis), Umbul Ponggok (berbayar), Umbul Cokro (berbayar) dan umbul lainnya. Namun kalau untuk wisata memancing semua harus berbayar karena dikelola oleh usaha warga. Letak pemancingan yang terkenal adalah di desa Janti. Sambil memancing pengunjung dapat juga menikmati masakan ikan nila, lele, atau mas goreng berbumbu sambel khas dengan harga sangat terjangkau. Tiap hari libur perkampungan ini sering mengalami kemacetan karena membludaknya pengunjung dari kota Solo, Semarang dan Yogya.
Di Kecamatan Bayat, Klaten, tepatnya di kelurahan Paseban, Bayat, Klaten terdapat Makam Sunan Bayat atau Sunan Pandanaran atau Sunan Tembayat yang memiliki desain arsitektur gerbang gapura Majapahit. Makam ini menjadi salah satu tempat wisata ziarah Para Wali. Pengunjung dapat memarkir kendaraan di areal parkir serta halaman Kelurahan yang cukup luas. Setelah mendaki sekitar 200 anak tangga, akan ditemui pelataran dan Masjid. Pemandangan dari pelataran akan nampak sangat indah di pagi hari.
• Wisata Kuliner
1. Ayam Bakar Klaten
2. Sate Kambing
• Wisata Kerajinan
1. Payung Kertas - Juwiring
Di kabupaten Klaten memiliki beberapa lembaga pendidikan tinggi seperti :
1. Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten
2. STIKES Muhammadiyah Klaten
3. Akademi Akuntansi Muhammadiyah Klaten
4. Poltekes Negeri Surakarta Jurusan Kebidanan
5. STIA Madani Klaten
6. Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyrakat(PKBM)Dewi Fortuna
7. Stikes Duta Gama Klaten
8. Politektik Manufakturing (Polman) Ceper
9. Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah ( STAIM ) Klaten, dulunya IAIM
Komunitas / Organisasi
• Pasik(Pecinta Sastra Independen Klaten) adalah sebuah komunitas non formal para pecinta, penikmat, pemerhati maupun pengarang semua jenis sastra di Klaten pada khususnya yang bernaung dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook
• Komunitas Facebook Klaten
• Komunitas Wong Klaten]
• Forum Komunitas dan Komunikasi Warga Klaten
• Festival Anak-anak Islam Kabupaten Klaten
• Kelompok Kerja Muda Teater Rakyat (KKMTR)
• Remaja Pecinta Lingkungan Klaten ( RAPLING )
• Pemuda Muhammadiyah
• Nasyiatul Aisyiyah
• Muhammadiyah
• Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah
• Aisyiyah

Senin, 26 September 2011


kata orang mimpi adalah bunga tidur yang hanya akan terjadi ketika kita tidur. tapi bagi sebagian orang mimpi adalah suatu alasan pemacu yang dapat memacu seseorang untuk meraih sesuatu yang menurut dia menarik. keduanya tidak salah, satu sama lain punya alasan sendiri-sendiri, dan penilaianpun dari diri masing-masing.
bagi orang yang menganggap bahwa mimpi hanya bunga tidur adalah mungkin alasannya karena dalam mimpi dia bisa mertemu adatu melakukan apa saja yang tidak dapat dia lakukan di kehidupan nyata, dia dapat berekspresi 180 derajat berlawanan dari apa kenyataannya. mungkin diapun merasa bahwa yang di dalam mimpinya itu dapat dia realisasikan di kehidupan nyata, tapi keinginan dan niat yang ia punya belum kuat untuk mewujudkan segala mimpi itu. sedangkan orang yang sukses mewujudkan mimpi-mimpinya kealam nyata adalah orang yang mempunyai rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi dan bermotivasi tinggi.